McD & Muffie...living it up in DC

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Guess who's back....back again??? Muffie's back...tell a friend :)

Helllloooooooooooooooo :) How are you today??? Happy hump day! YAY! Today is a short day for muffie - no...not to be confused with short bus - my company is going bowling :) I suck too - but going to be fun (anything that does not involve a chair and a computer screen sounds fabulous to me :) ) Hopefully I can get one strike! heehee. Anyway...whats shaking? Any fun plans for this evening? I am going to go home after and chillll. I had such a hard time gettin gup this morning! OMG. Maine-lag (like jet-lag but worse because it involves a whole lotta trees! :) ) OHH I saw a moose! (not that I am surprised because there are probably more moose than people up there ...heehee). It was very ugly and too skinny. I wanted to feed it - but then thought I would end up getting trampled.

SOooo excited to meet up tomorrow night!!! THoughts on where we should go??? ( not laventes :) )!

ANyway...sorry this is so short...I gotta go get my bowl on :) heehe.. Chat with you lata!

Muf-anuter :)

Friday, May 19, 2006


Hey chicka! Hope your day is going well. Just wanted to discuss the plans for this evening. My parents will be arriving around 530ish. I was thinking we could go to dinner around 6:45-7:00 - totally depending on whenever you can get here (and dont want you to have to rush). We are just going to go out in Cleveland Park. There is an italian restaurant called Sorriso that is suppose to be pretty good. Its got a full italian menu and brick oven pizzas. Soooo just either text me or email me and let me know what you plans is :) Cant wait to see ya!

~ Mufster

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Shake Shake to the Left....ahh ahh

Heeeellllooooooo McD. How are you today?? Things are good here. Work has been busy but not overwhelming. Sorry I did not get to text you until late last night. We got out to his place (out by Dulles Airport - aka the sticks) at like 600 and before I knew it...it was 900!! Took me over an hour to get home. Seriously!!! But it was fun to catch up with everyone outside of work.

Soo tomorrow night the rents are coming in town (stopping for the night before then venture to North Carolina). Would you like to go out to dinner? I would lo-lo-lo-lo-ve if you came :) My step dad (aka moms significant other) is coming and he will LOVE you :) I am not quite sure where to go, but I am working on it :)

I have to go to Maine this weekend - cant believe it!. One of my friends mom is throwing her a surprise bridal shower and asked us to come. I haven't seen her since graduation. And, sadly, my roommates mother just got diagnosed with cancer, so I am going to go see her mom. So sad. It is going to be an insane weekend though. I am flying into Boston, driving with Erin -Bo to Bangor, Me (4hrs) and then getting up on Sunday and driving to Madawaska (5 MORE hours) surprising her, seeing my roommates mother and then driving back half way Sunday night and flying home on Monday.....Seriously...Does that count as a weekend! LOL. It should be fun to catch up though.

Sooo thoughts....Are you around next weekend? I can't keep my weekends straight! I know you have a millllllion things going on but I was thinking if you are around....We should have a party on Sunday. Most people are not working on Monday....So it would be cool to have a BBQ or just go out for drinks...with Bess, Nate, some of his friends, Becca, and whoever. Just might be cool to have a little get together! We could do it at my place (depending on the numbers) or just at a bar :) Let me know what you think! When again were you planning something at your house?? I tell you...I need to start using my planner! My mind is gone!

Hope everything is fabulous in the world of McD :) Chat with you lata!

Muffie :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


:) The song came on and I thought of you :) HOw are youuu? How was the journey to western mary-land?? Was everyone named mary? (omg...horrible). Anyway...how was last night? Most importantly how was the cake?? mmmmm salivating. Things are better here. Feeling a little better - i literally could not move last night - i just layed in bed with the heating pad. But feel much better today.

So work was interesting today....seriously the most random things happen to me. These three men had a meeting here with my boss. I walked in at the end of the meeting to hand out folders and one of the men (around the age of ohhh lets say 60?) stood up, pulled out this plastic bag filled with red things....and in a flash before I knew it the man was trying to put a red clown nose on my face! A FREAKIN RED CLOWN NOSE! So this leads me to many thoughts:
1) Who the heck is this guy?
2) Why on god's green earth is he carrying around RED clown noses?
5) Then says - I should give you more noses because if you have it on everyone will want to wear it! (he said that infront of my boss)

Dan = my boss - was so pissed that he did it.

seriously this is insane....more details to come. I hope your day went well.

Talk to you later....


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ohhhh I wish.......

I was an oscar myer weaner...lalalalala. Lol I have no idea....none. Oh tuesday....why arent thou as cool as friday? Or Thursday even?

Hiia Mc Da-bomb cake baker :) Glad to hear your cake was a success! I am sure that it tastes wonderful....A am going to immediately bust into the the list verison because there are soo many things to say!!

1) Seriously....I watched Greys Anatomy.....what the heck?!? Did you watch it??? OMG sooo many twists and turns.....sooooooo much drama.....i cried....i yelled....i laughed.....and all of this emotion of a FREAKIN TV Show....seriously?? OMG it was nutz. If you did not see it....you must or I will give you the synposis because they DEFINITELY amounted to a mind blowing season finale. Oh Dear God. I think I am still traumatized. - My sister IMed me and said that she just watched it and now SHE is bawling....seriously!!!
2) How was the gymboree?? Did you shake it - shake it - shake it like a polaroid picture??
3) Okay so seriously....i hate being a girl (well sometimes...i mean boys suck too....but you get my drift). My friend has joined me today and I am in an insane amount of pain. Seriously i have a high pain tolerance (getting the crap kicked out of me on the soccer fields) but when it comes to this....omg....lets just say i would rather be on the fields. It is so bad that I think I am going to try to go home early and curl up with the heating pad. I am sooooooo sorry but I dont think i can make it tonight. I just really feel awful and I wouldnt bail unless it was bad. SO you know its bad. Maybe I can meet up with you later tomorrow night - depending on your plans. I have a happy hour at a co-workers house but then maybe I could just metro up and grab my stuff and we could go to target or something or even to a dance class (if there are any). Let me know what you think. But once again - I am very sorry. I just wouldnt be much fun.
4) soooo fun story??? GOt any....because I would Lo-LO-lo-LO-VE a pick me up :)
5) Hmmm did you get that email about golfing with Bess? So seriously I SUCK...but it might be kinda fun - just being super silly.....i dont know though....a lot of money to be silly - but a fun hobby! (we should add going to a driving range to the summer list ;) ) - let me know what you think
6) I hope that you are having a good day playing in the streams......speaking of playing outside how is the weather there? It is burrrrrzzzzllll here...omg (well im cold at least)
7) OMG I was walking down the road to the metro today and I saw becca on the other side of the st!! - so I was like ohh she is back! So i texted her (saying - hey who is that hot girl walking down the st?) and called her and she did not respond. So i was down in the metro and i saw her again so I was just about to run up and hug here - like inches from her - and it WAS NOT HER! OMG....it seriously was her twin! Same size, same hair, same fashion sense....same....same....same. I was dying laughing at myself. How funny though - becca is going to get my text and be like wtf!?! LOL. Muffie moment.

Anyway...I gotta go to a meeting....I just wanted to say hi and catch up and tell you I am very sorry about this evening. I will catch up with you later....and please save me a piece of cake???? PLEASE :)

Best -

Muf-a loompa (I feel like a walking balloon - and umpa loompas kinda look like a balloon..lol - i have NO idea.)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Mr.DJ...somebody replay...Mr.DJ wont you turn the music UP!!!!!!!!!!

YIPEEEEEEE soooo close to quiting time :) yayayayayay!!!! lol. I totally know the movie....i need to watch it again! It has been sooo long!! OMG i love your lists....

1) You have HAVE to tell me all about the 9:30 club tomorrow night!
2) How about I come up to your place and we cook (love to cook).....I will work on the menu tonight and then I can come up a bit early and we can go to the store :) then I will just get ready at your place....how does that sound? We can cook, chat, get silly and then venture out :) sooo fun! Can't wait!
3) Lunch on Sunday can be any time. I was thinking around Noon-ish. He is going to arrive in the morning. Totally flexible though. Excited that you might get to come ;)
4) Mr. Matthew....Mr. Matthew....clearly wants to still be in touch with Mc-Darling. He has clearly been looking for you too (he has seen audrey and asking why you arent there...makes it obvious). I mean I dont blame him - you are a great girl and of course he is going to make an effort to keep touch. The ball is in your court. If you want to talk to him and be friends then do it....if it makes you uncomfortable then you dont owe him anything. Basically is all your choice :) Just dont be surprised that he wants to keep touch with you - you rock ;)
5) OMG SOS ON IPOD NOW....OMG.....OMG.....YAY!! SOS please some one help me.....heehee
6) I LOVE the SUN :) - and just think....POOL time SOON :)
7) I keep pushing repeat on my ipod lol ;)
8) Tomorrow night we are going to set up your ipod (Penelope McRockin ;-))!!!!! I will see if there are any new songs on Itunes tonight and make a fresh CD :) we will get it pumpin for ya!
8) Sooo excited it is Friday!

Have sooo much fun tonight and I will call you tomorrow early afternoon :-)

The Mufster

Happy Happy Joy Joy.....

Mc-Delightful!!! How are you today?? Happy Fabulous Friday! ( and half way done too :)- yay!). Thanks for the text! I figured you were out and about ;) I always forget and leave my aim on ;) Anyway....soooo are you excited about this evening? Sooo fun! Looking forward to hearing about the 9:30 club! Our concert is coming up soon too! YAY!!!

Soooo thoughts on where to meet up tomorrow evening? SHould we rock our from your place or mine? Either one is fine with me :). Apparel?? heehee...

Also, random but...I got an email from TJ (ex-boy), he is graduating tomorrow and then leaving for Tampa tomorrow night with some of his friends. They are acutally stopping near DC to take a break and he asked if he could come and see me and take me out to lunch. I said yes because I figured....this is probably the best time to see him because it is in my environment and it is just for a few hours. We have been talking and things are really good (friend wise - and that is it) now that all of the drama with breaking up has settled. Point blank - he is a good guy that was a part of my life that I would like to remain close friends with. SOoo my point is that he told me to invite you to lunch. It is going to be wicked nonchalant and just fun. Soooo....I was wondering if maybe you would want to meet up for lunch. I promise you things will not be akward or anything but it will give him a chance to meet you. I figured that we could just meet up in Bethesda at one of the places, sit outside and chat. Let me know what you think or if you have plans already...but if you don't I would love for you to come :)

Annnnnywhoooooooo I hope that you are having a fabulous day ;) I will chat with you later :) !!!!

Hip-Hip-Hooray!!!! It is FRIDAY :)

~Muf-appy :)

Thursday, May 11, 2006



WOOOOT WOOOT :) YEAH!!!!!! Omg...you kill me. I am soooo glad you wrote! I needed the pick me uper! Work is a weeeee bit crazy ;)

SOOOO excited about this weekend! Lets DEFINITELY do dinner and drinks and then venture out! Which is easier - starting at my place or yours? I can not wait to hang out! I miss you so much - Im cheesy I know heehee!!! OHHHHH Great idea! So we took tons o'pictures and even videos so maybe we can watch it/look at them while we pre-game :)!!!! Then venture to the P-A-R-T-A-Y!!! SOOO Excited to PARRRRTAY! :) I agree with the maybe hitting up the bars after - i want to dance :) and mmmm and how we love the morgan :) And can not believe you could not find the brass monkey! That is comical!!!

OMG I had so much fun last night. SO good to catch up with everyone!! Glad that Laura joined the festivities. She is great. And....I really did try to button nate's shirt...not caress his chest hair!! (ewwww) lol.

SOOOOOO excited that Thursday is almost done!!! I hope you are having a FABULOUS day ;)
I will chat with you lata ;)

~ Mu-loooooooooooopy :)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Work it....work it....work it :)

Work it ...work it....a little to the left....smile....a little to your other left .....now model those streams ;)

MDeadline Queen!!!YAY! So happy you are being productive. I am also swwwwamped (like an aligator ;)) I have been running around all day!!!! I have a meeting tomorrow in DC and I still have yet to receive materials from some of the presenters. SO i have been waiting on that (come on people - work with me!) and trying to get everything else ready before I leave for Paris! I just went to see the hotel for tomorrow meeting and it is very nice. Going to work perfectly!!

As for tonight....I think i might even be here late. SO please no worries...stay and bust out your work. We can get together next week as soon as I get back! I wish you the best of luck with those models! Hopefully they are in a good mood given this lovely weather!

Have a good afternoon. I will chat with you lata! Now bust a move in those streams!

Muf-a -gator ;)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Lalalalala ....OHHHH...OHHHH

SOS just came on my IPOD! OMG I adore this song :) And since we never know the words....I think we should learn :) LOL.

Intro] Lalala, lalala, lalalalala, Ohhh (You know, I never felt like this before)Lalala, lalala, lalalalala, Ohhh (This feeling's like so real)

[Verse 1] I'm obessive when just one thought of you comes up I'm aggressive, 'cos just one thought ain't close enough You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issueCause every moment gone you know I miss you I'm the question and you're of course the answer Just hold me close boy cause I'm your tiny dancer You make me shaken up, I'm never mistaken but I can't control myself, got me calling out for Help

[Chorus] S-O-S please someone help me. It's not healthy for me to feel this Y-O-U-R making this hardI can't take it see it don't feel right. S-O-S please someone help me, It's not healthy for me to feel this Y-O-U-R making this hardYou got me tossing and turning can't sleep at night

[Bridge] This time please someone come and rescue me 'Cause you on my mind has got me losing it I'm lost, you got me lookin for the rest of me Love is testing me but still I'm losing itThis time please someone come and rescue me 'cause you on my mind has got me losing it, I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me, Got the best of me, so now I'm losing it.

[Verse 2] Just your presence and I second guess my sanity, yes it's a lesson, it's unfair, you stole my vanity My tummy's up in knots, and when i see ya it gets so hot My common sense is out the door, can't seem to find the lock Take on me (uh huh) you know inside you feel it rightTake me on, I could just die up in your arms tonight!I melt with you, ya got me head over heels, (over heels)boy you keep me hanging on the way you make me feel

[Chorus] S-O-S, please someone help me (somebody help me) It's not healthy for me to feel this Y-O-U-R making this hardYou got me tossing and turning can't sleep at night.

[Bridge] This time please someone come and rescue me 'cause you on my mind has got me losing it I'm lost, you got me lookin for the rest of me Love is testing me but still I'm losing itThis time please some one come and rescue me 'cause you on my mind has got me losing it, I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me, Got the best of me, so now I'm losing it.

[Verse 3:]Boy you know you got me feeling open and Boy our loves enough with words unspoken I said BOY I'm telling you, you got me open, I don't know what to do it's true, I'm going crazy over you, I'm begging

[Chorus] S-O-S, please someone help me (somebody help me)It's not healthy for me to feel this Y-O-U-R making this hardYou got me tossing and turning can't sleep at night.

[Bridge] This time please someone come and rescue me cause you on my mind has got me losing it I'm lost, you got me lookin for the rest of me Love is testing me but still I'm losing itThis time please some one come and rescue me 'cause you on my mind has got me losing it, I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me, Got the best of me, so now I'm losing it.

[Outro]Lalala, lalala, lalalalala, Ohhh, Oh OhLalala, lalala, lalalalala, Ohhh, Oh Oh


~Muf - hanna

Lo-lo-lo-lo-VE le target ;)


Heehee! Good morning! How are you on this fabulous Tuesday? Hopefully not too tired! So fun last night, and dinner was delicious! I love having girl nights, esp when my sister partakes!

Ok this is a must see : http://www.target.com/gp/browse.html/ref=sc_iw_r_1_0/602-1188826-7317435?%5Fencoding=UTF8&node=16275561

We have to go! so thoughts....any plans for tomorrow night? I know you have to work a lot this week - but thought if you have time maybe we can get together. I can come up to you and then maybe we can go to target and grab dinner or just hang out. If you are too busy that is MORE than fine! Just a suggestion!

I hope that you have a fabulous day! I will write more lata ;)

Have fun streaming those models....mmmm...any delicious ones ;)

~ Muf-alapagus (NO IDEA ;-) )