McD & Muffie...living it up in DC

Friday, April 28, 2006

Come on ride the train.....

And ride it....wooo wooo....come on ride the train.....to McD's house.....WOO WOO :) YAY! Happy Friday!!! So excited about this evening! Going to be soooo fun and soooo chill! I will email bess and becca and see what their plan is. SO glad your roomie is going to hang out! That is perfect! I will bring some movies....and some goodies too! OMG sooo excited! Perfect way to start off a fabulous weekend!!! I hope that you have a FABULOUS friday and I will write again soon :) Just wanted to say hi and sooo excited about this evening!

~ muffie

If you think of anyone else i should add to the email invite - let me know :) YAY!!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


HI!! Woo hoo almost done with thursday! Chaaa Ching! I know - I think I get a little carried away because it is everything express it OR let it bottle up and then WHO knows what will happen! heehe. OMG!! Phewwww.....McRoberts all the way baby...mmmmm :) I am so ready for March Madness! (even though it is only april! heehee) We definitely have to find a way to a game! I have never been to a D 1 college bball game! Esp Duke for that matter!

So excited about tomorrow night! That is going to be so fun! Anyone in particular we should invite? We can do an evite if it is multiple people :) heehee love evites. Just what we need a fun silly night - do you think I could possibly just stay? And then we could go shopping up around your house or somewhere where we can drive. Thoughts? However if your roomie (S) are going to be there and you dont want to do it there - we can go to my place. Oh so fun....okay think so now just who to invite?? hmmmm

YAY!! I am going to grab a drink with the Adster after work for his bday and then head home to do laundry and reeeeelax! hehehee. I will chat with you lata! Have a fabulous last few hours :)

~ Mufster


Dude - I am so random!! I use to many exclamation marks and I never breathe in between sentences! Maybe there is a help group our there for me.
CRBA : Crazy Random Bloggers Anynomous :) Thats me!

McD!!! HAPPY Thursday :)

McDarling!!!!YAY!!! OMG I feel like I have so much to say!!! okay - going to break off to the list version to attempt to put SOME organization behind this email!!


2) OMG "Winner of a Wednesday" blog KILLED ME!! I was seriously loling in the office - to the point that everyone was like - "Meg - have you lost it? You are scaring me!" I love it! I love wasted Muffie! heeheehehehe I never have ANY idea what I am saying! HEHE. Just ramble ramble ramble!!

3) Dude - gas prices are OUTRAGEOUS!!! Seriously - they are cutting into our shoe money - DON'T THEY GET IT!!!!!!!!! ;)

4) YIPPPEEEE SISTAH contact!! :) SOOO fun! Great so lets do something Friday night! I am game for anything - low key - high key - not too high key :) Hmmmm lets think about it - my ideas are: cheesy movie and wine/champagne, game night??!!?? invite umm whoever - play games and get silly (my place or yours), go to a movie, or find a good dance place and bust a move *what you want....You got it.....what you want...baby you got - just bust a move (ohhh ahhh hey ..lalalala) heehehe* Let me know what you think! Ohhh maybe Saturday day day - we could go shopping :) YAY! (depending on your sista schedule)

5) DuDE.....OF COURSE you can hook up to the good ole' Mac on the kitchen table ;) OHHH sooo fun - we can even download more music - get your IPOD rockin!!! WOOO HOOOO.....we shall call your ipod Penelope (okay...seriously I have no idea why - just been wanting to call something that :) Orrr....McRocking ;) - okay muffie has gone silly!

6) Muf-iqua - LOVE IT !! That is my ghetto Alias! ;) heehee and McDarling is PERFECT !!! you are such a darling ;)

7) Word of the day: onychophagia (on-i-ko-FAY-juh, -jee-uh) noun
The practice of biting one's nails. --- EWWWW WEIRD ;)
8) I love blogging :)

9) How was last night!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you rock out with your friend?


Have a totally terrific thursday ;)

~ Muffie :)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wildly Wacky Wednesday!!!!

McD!! What's shaken homie ;) Ghetto Muffie (alias- The Muf) in the house :) lol. [I have no idea...heehee]. How are you??? How is the wildy wacky Wednesday treating you? Having fun modeling in the streams? Its a bit chilly out today - so I hope that they at least they let you wear a significant amount of clothes! heehee.

Today is not so bad - steady busy but okay. I said goodbye to my mom this morning and I swear the roles were flipped. When I was a little girl I use to cry everything my mom would drop me off at the baby sitters or at school because I didnt want her to leave me. Now, this morning she was all teary eyed when I had to leave her! It was so cute. She is clearly NOT feeling this whole Europe trip - while I on the other hand think its totally cool! ;) heehee - then again I am not the one getting sent over there for an unproclaimed amount of days. It will be a different experience - that is for sure.

So its Wednesday ...and you know what that means! HUMP DAY!!!!! HOORAY!!!!! Have you heard from the newlyweds about this weekend? Besides seeing your sis do you have any plans? Is there anything you want to do? I don't know what I want to do this weekend! We definitely have to do something (if you can :)) but what...Im not sure! I think I am ALL set going to the bar crawl Sat night.....not really something I am dying to do. Your thoughts?

Hope that you are having a wild and wacky Wednesday :) (I was just trying to find adjectives starting with W...heehee) Today is neither wild OR wacky :) - maybe I am just wacky ....who knows :)

Thanks again for coming last night! SOOO fun!

~ Muffie

Friday, April 21, 2006


TGIF!!!!!!! Yippeeeee!!! How are you mcD??? I hope that your night was fabulous last night! I was sooo excited about having a relaxing night - and thought to myself, a great way to start my relaxing night is to run/walk (VERY hilly) home and enjoy the beautiful weather! So i changed into a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt, tied my keys to my shoes, grabbed my credit card and ID (never know when i am going to get carded ;)), sunglass and cell phone and ventured home. It was fabulous!!!! I ran a bit, talked to my mom for a bit, and just enjoyed the beautiful weather! Well as I walked into the building, it occured to me that i had forgotten my key to the top lock of my apartment (DOH!!!!!) and by this time my office was locked (with my keys inside). ODG!!!!! Muffie BLONDE moment! I ended up having to metro up to Bethesda - wait for my sis to arrive with the key! ODG!!!! So my relaxing night did not start until about 800pm! ODG....heehee.

Anywhooo....Happy FRIDAY! :) yippeee.. I have come to the conlusion that I feel this sense of enlightenment EVERY friday! Lol. Gotta love the business world.

Soooo.... any fun plans for this evening? I am thinking about walking to georgetown after work and returning a few things and maybe doing a bit of shopping. You are more than welcome to join me if you feel like venturing in!!!

Well just wanted to say hi and hope that you have a fabulous Friday :) I will chat with you lata ;)

~ Muffie

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sweet sweet thursday.....

D...D...D...how are thee..thee...thee? heehee. I have no idea where that came from ( it was a song in my head!). Happy Thursday!!! How are you??? Boy is it beeeeautiful outside! I love it! I want to be outside soo bad and not at work! I think we should count how many days that we say that this summer....heehee...I guarantee that it will be every day! :)

So very very excited about Saturday!! It will be a chance for us to meet some new peeps and maybe even find a new group to venture out with! Fun times!! :)

So how does today look for you? Fun and adventerous? Or the typical - working on a project that you do not necessarily fancy??

Anywhooo...just wanted to say hi and have a glorious day :)

~ Muffie

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ohh ohh....do it baby....DO THE HUMPTY HUMP :)

Hiiiiia! OMG i know - its the litte things that get me through the week! Like being excited that it is Hump day! Or the fact that it is sunny! Or the fact I love hummus ;) heeheee. But yes the little things matter the most! :)

Ohhh you are soo sweet!! Thank you for inviting me! I would LOVE to go - but i have to help Bess move and I am unsure of the timing. One minute it is 7:00pm and the next it is 6:00pm. So if it is at 6:00pm and I am done by 7:00pm - I will call you and definitely meet up! Either way i will text you. Thank you for inviting me though :)

OH happy day! Its almost 5:00pm! Hopefully no surprise meetings today! I will text you lata :)

~ Muffie


Heeeeelllllooooooooo!!!!! Happy Hump Day!!!!!!!!!!! :) I hope that your day is going pleasantly well so far!!! Thank you thank you thank you for bring me home last night!! I truly appreciate it. I had such a good time! I love girlie chit chat :) The food was yummy too...mmmm hummus. On such a hummus kick! Its nutz!

Anywhoooo.....i saw the email from meredith - definitely not $30 and then free booze for the entire evening (mmmm that would have been fabulous) but still something to consider. Thoughts??

Ohhhh auction day!! I hope there are cool things tonight!! You will have to fill me in about it. I have never actually participated in one. Also, if you need a place to park you can always park at my place and then metro in (just in case- offer is always open).

OMG....sooo excited for Saturday! Going to be so much fun! I am contemplating buying some ping pong (love those words...heehee...ping.....ping pong.....pong.....pong ping...heehee) balls and practicing :) - but i doubt that will happen! heehee.

Anyway, I hope that you have a marvelous rest of the day!!! I will chat with you later!

LOVE the SUN :)

~ Muffie

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


HI hun!!!!! Okay thoughts in response to your tid-bits.

1) I will most definitely metro up to you. You dont even have to drive me home - you can just drop me off at any metro station! (Thank you sooo much! I appreciate it.) How long does it take to get there again? I will be home by 5:30 and can leave any time to get to you. Just let me know what time you would like me to venture up :)

2) SOOO excited that your pasta dish was a sucess!!!!!!!!! that is FABULOUS!!!! What is in it again??? heehee....all i can remember is anchovie paste! heehee. SOO glad- you can be the chef of the wine bar too :) heehee.....

3) O-M-G. You KILL ME! That was HILARIOUS. I want to gooo sooooo bad!!!!! Do you think I could go for the class? To just try it? That is the best type of exercise because it is simply fun - its not a contest or any of that stupid stuff - it is just FUN :) Plus you most DEFINITELY get your dance fix! heehee

4) Well okay few thoughts on this:
- Very random indeed. I think he is just trying to hold on to you because you are the COOLEST GIRL EVER. That is my belief. He is too immature and too needy to be in a serious thing with you, so he still wants to be your friend because he knows that you are amazing.
- Will he be at the event on Saturday? I do not know if Nate opened up the invite to the whole kickball league....thoughts?
- Regardless if he is - we are going power too it - we are going to have the best time ever....just being silly.

5) Agreed.....after our games are done we can venture out :) no worries!! Heehee. Make sure you bring your stuff to stay :)

I hope that your day is going well. Mine is going quickly - but MUCH better than yesterday! Dude i do not know what my problem was! probably the RAIN!!! :)

Oh...talked to TJ (the recent ex boy) he wants me to go to graduation in May - WITH HIS FAMILY! Is it just me or do you think that this is most likely postively NOT THE BEST THING right now. He was like " you are the only person i care about other than my family. It would mean a lot if you could do this for me. Megan they absolutely love you and want to see you." Okay - what is that? Its like he makes me feel guilty! Thoughts?? I dont think I should go - i just dont think it is the right time. Need your opinion :)

Cant wait to catch up tonight!!

~ Muffie

Monday, April 17, 2006

I've got the blues too (and not the macaroni kind)

Hi hun. Ugh...seriously there is something about today that makes me so excited for it to just END!!! I think it is a combination of the fact it is Monday, it is rainy and I have the worst cramps in the world. I feel DISGUSTING! Sometimes I really hate boys ya know! They have it SO EASY! But anyway....sooo tomorrow night...do you want to go together? I don't know if you were planning on driving or metroing - but either way maybe we can go together? Let me know what you think. I sent Katie on a tour today - she is somewhere in DC! heehee. I am actually proud that she dared to venture on her own. She's a keeper :) heehee. Anyway I hope your day is going well. Enjoy your class and your pasta salad and can not WAIT to hear about both!!!!

~ Muffie

Good morning beautiful! I hope you are in high spirits on this rainy Monday morning (uuuughhh). So I have to just tell you.....I had SOOO much fun this weekend. Saturday night - esp dinner - was sooooo much fun. LOVE the restaurant!! And then Sunday - what a way to start off your morning! (heehee). Minus the whole Kat being hung over - it was soooo much fun. I am so glad that you have finally experienced the notorious Champagne Brunch :) My sister and I were talking this morning about how much we adore you! I am soooo glad we are friends! You are the best!!!

Anyway, just wanted to say good morning and hope that you have a good day.

~ Muffie

Friday, April 14, 2006

YOU Kill me!!!


Good morning!!!!!!!Heeeheee....okay so seriously it took me FOREVER to figure it out how to work the blog thing too. My sister had to walk me through it. SO basically you rock! I cheated :) heehee. OMG OMG OMG....just a few things that I am SOOOO EXCITED about..... (our lists method)

1) I just made reservations for the COOOLEST restaurant tomorrow night at 7:00pm.....for the three of us!!! (if you want anyone else to come - let me know - i will add them :)) OMG the place is soooo cooool! You will LOVE IT!!!!! I figured we could have a nice dinner and all chat. Then meet up with the crew after.....then venture into "The Morgan"....thoughts? Anything in particular you would like to do?? OMG I am so excited though.....you are going to love the restaurant! SO FUN!

2) It's FRIDAY!!!!!! YIPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!

3) OMG i definitely think you should get to know that girl better!!!! Especially if she doesnt know anyone! That is the worst feeling in the WORLD!!!! SO excited! :)

4) It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!! (did i mention that I am excited it is friday?? heehee)

**Also, you can set up the blog so that it send you an email every time that I write to it. To do this go to the Settings Tab - email.

OMG i hope that you are having a fabulous morning and that your afternoon goes EVEN better!!!!

No worries on tonight! I just want you to come if you feel like it!!! But I totally understand taking a night off! I plan in being in bed early tonight!!!

~ Muffie :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I LOVE THIS :) heehee. WE ARE SO HIP (hip hop... a hibby to the hip hip hop.... you dont stop rocking to the bang bang boogie....enter words here....la la la) Like the background? It was between this and pink.....heehee tried to add a bit of variety in!!

OH the cat is back tomorrow afternoon - so play time is OVER....however there was very limited play time :) OMG it is soooo warm out! I am going to go home and sit outside! YAY!!! So not sure if you have plans for tomorrow night or if you feel like taking a night off because of the expected nature of saturday night (can't wait!!) but we are going to go to Tallula, a wine bar in arlington, tomorrow night. Bug has invited some fellow Blackboard employees. They have outdoor seating. Wine on tap. Yummy snacks (yess we need snacks :)) You are more than welcome to join us. There is parking if you decide to come and drive in. Just wanted to extend the welcome :)

I hope that your day went well!! I will chat with you lata! Ps...we need pictures :) heehee

~ Muffie

Welcome to the McD & Muffie Blog :) Write just like an email - but only for us to see :) You never know who will be snooping in your email ;)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

D & Muf living it up in DC :)